The environmental authority of the Junta de Andalucía (Los Alcornocales Natural Park), responded to the communication we made last week informing them of the date for our 2023 edition. Their response was that no sporting events in the natural environment of the Park will be authorised between 1st June and 15th October 2023, as a consequence of the activation of the Infoca Plan.


Last Monday we published the date for the organisation of Eurafrica Trail 2023, announcing that it would be between 11 and 15 October 2023, a date on which we have held the event on three occasions over the last seven years, but it will not be possible for one main reason: the water stress that our mountains and forests of the Strait of Gibraltar and the whole of Andalusia are currently under, due to the drought that has been going on for dozens of months, makes it impossible to hold events such as ours, due to the risk that this involves for the participants themselves, and for the natural park itself, the setting in which we enjoy our races and events.


This unpleasant situation, for which we apologise, is unfortunate and makes us think about how global warming and its consequences affect our daily lives. It is something present, real, and as users and citizens we must take into account, and demand compliance with the agreed measures to compensate or slow it down, as far as we can.


We have been in communication since yesterday with the Natural Park and the other administrations of Spain, Gibraltar and Morocco, with the aim of finding a definitive date for the holding of our event. We hope to have it and communicate it this week, so that all of you can plan what will be, without a doubt, a beautiful and consolidating edition of Eurafrica Trail, the great Intercontinental adventure of the Strait of Gibraltar.


Thank you, Shukran, Thank you all for your understanding.


Eurafrica Trail Team.